MINUTES OF MEETING, Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Present: Bill Roberts, Chris Korda, John Meijer, Merle Hudson, David Fleming, Frances Labelle

Ed Gaigalas, Pat Reavy, Bill Jermyn, guest Shelly Shuper

Regrets: Louis Gris, George Dubauskas, Kate Lawson, Sibyl Wilkenson


The meeting was called to order by Bill Roberts (temporary chair) at 7:40 pm, with no conflicts of interest.


Bill Roberts in person added three items, as requested by Louis Gris by letter. They are the following: (New Business) Peggy Nash, Bicycle Lanes and Signage.

Upon motion by Frances Labelle, seconded by Merle Hudson, and carried, the Agenda for February 28, 2006, as amended, was approved.


Upon the motion made by Ed Gaigalas, seconded by Frances Labelle, and carried,

the Minutes of January 17, 2006 were approved


a) Membership:

In the absence of Louis Gris, John Meijer provided the membership report and noted that the membership lists have now been placed on an excel spreadsheet for more efficient access.

Upon motion by John Meijer, seconded by Frances Labelle, and carried, the report was approved.

b) Fundraising:

Upon motion made by John Meijer, seconded by Frances Labelle and carried, it was agreed that SARA would send a $500.00 cheque to The Village Players, as requested.

It was suggested that SARA ask Louis Gris to take responsibility for the 2006 fundraiser.

c) Treasurer’s:

Upon motion by John Meijer, seconded by Ed Gaigalas, and carried, the report was approved.


a) New Members and Guests:

Bill Roberts welcomed guest, Shelly Shuper of 85 South Kingsway to the meeting.

b) Annual General Meeting 2006: The date is May 24th; the speaker is Mr. Gerard Kennedy.

Upon motion by Frances Labelle, seconded by Pat Reavy and carried, a nominating committee consisting of Ed Gaigalas, Dave Fleming and Nick Singh was established for the AGM.

c) SARA Meeting with Councillor Saundercook: No news. Nick Singh to follow up.

d) Adopt a Block:

John Meijer has been in e-mail communication with the City. He will follow up with a report at the next SARA meeting.

e) City Recycling Bins: Merle Hudson reported that, as requested, she had sent a letter which indicated that the smaller of the two bins was preferable aesthetically and also on safety grounds as the increased height of the larger bin could pose a problem for both motorists and pedestrians. Pat Reavy tabled an e-mail, announcing “Public Workshops – Toronto’s Coordinated Street Furniture Program”, planned for four days in late February / early March, 2006. The website is www.toronto.ca/streetfurniture

f) Massage Parlours:

Bill Roberts reported that due to controls adopted by the City, four associations were refused status. (Attendants at massage parlours must now belong to one of several non-profit bone fide associations, authorized by the City of Toronto.) Some of those associations have re-applied.

g) South Kingsway Ramps Redesign Meeting:

Frances Labelle reported that to date, she has received no response to her letter, nor has the expected community consultation taken place. Frances noted all the signage had not been replaced, creating potentially dangerous traffic patterns, and Bill Roberts noted that because of the reconfiguration of the south side of the Queensway, the south ramps need merge signs to improve road safety.

Frances agreed to follow up on these matters with Councillor Saundercook.

h) Community Involvement in Processes and Practices of the City & COA – Processes and Practices:

Bill Roberts noted there will be a public meeting on March 2, 2006, relating to the new City of Toronto Act. With respect to the Committee of Adjustment, Bill noted that it is time to take action since the Etobicoke/York Committee is further restricting access to public documents in the files. A discussion took place as to the best way to take action since the City Solicitor has shown no interest in looking into the matter.

Upon motion by Merle Hudson, seconded by Ed Gaigalas and carried, it was agreed that Bill Roberts and Frances Labelle would look into what can be done and report back to SARA.

i) Storage for SARA at the Town Hall:

The boxes needed to send records to the City of Toronto Archives have not arrived.

Bill Roberts suggests that a process be set up to review and organize SARA’s records twice a year. John Meijer is to contact Louis Gris to ask if he has mailed the agreement and what is the status of the boxes.

j) East Side of Walkway from Willard Ave to Willard Gardens: Nick Singh to report.

k) Alcohol and Gaming Meeting: Queens Pasta: Nick Singh to report.

l) Municipal All Candidates Meeting:

To be scheduled just after the close of nominations for Municipal Elections. Election date is Nov 13, 2006.

m) OMB Reform:

Bill Roberts reported that the Act is in process. He said that Bill 81 states that any application that goes before the OMB must be the same as that approved by the City.

n) Governing Toronto Advisory Panel:

Bill Roberts reported that only one of three Community Councils has advised people about the formal meeting, to be held April 4, 2006. It is not known if George Dubauskas, Nick Singh and Louis Gris have prepared a deputation, so the matter will be dealt with at the March SARA meeting.

o) Front Yard Parking:

Bill Roberts reported that he has sent a letter in his personal capacity, citing some of the problems, which include the facts that the document assumes building practices in old Toronto were the same as those in much newer Etobicoke and that this is a “harmonization” document (one size fits all).

Frances Labelle suggested that at the March meeting SARA strike a committee to do follow up.


a) Bloor West Urban Design Study: Monitor

b) Humbergate Study: Monitor


a) Toronto Official Plan and Swansea Part II Plan: March 27, 2006 – going forward for approval

b) Humber Cinema: Monitor

c) 85 South Kingsway:

Shelly Shuper reported that she had changed the proposed additions to her house plan in consultation with the neighbours who had concerns and that there is now only one minor variance needing Committee of Adjustment approval.

Upon motion by Frances Labelle, seconded by Ed Gaigalas and carried, it was agreed that SARA would advise the COA that it no longer objects to the variances.

d) 52 Ellis Park Road The COA amended the applicant’s plan to compromise by reducing the depth of the front deck from 6.1 m to 3.1 m (2.5 m is allowed). The adjacent neighbour has appealed to the OMB, but no date has been set. John Meijer will ask Louis Gris to follow up.

e) 36 Worthington Crescent: John Meijer reported that Louis Gris has objected that GFA calculations are inaccurate and that the variance for side-yard setback is not minor.

f) 19 Hazelbrae: Bill Roberts reported that Louis Gris has objected to the “deficient notice”, which does not properly describe what the by-law requires. This application was done by waiver, so the Building Department did not see it.

Upon motion by Frances Labelle, seconded by Dave Fleming and carried, it was decided that Louis Gris be asked to write a letter to the COA about this issue.

g) 203 Riverside Drive:

Bill Roberts reported that Louis Gris has sent a letter objecting to the rooftop cupola-style skylight, which raises the house height to 10.5 m and is out of character. Louis Gris has sent a letter to the COA.

Upon motion by Dave Fleming, seconded by John Meijer and carried, it was agreed that SARA has authorized Louis Gris to do so.


a) Community Police Liaison Committee: Kate Lawson to report.

b) High Park Community Advisory Council:

Merle Hudson reported on the Feb. 4th all-day community meeting held by the council to set goals and priorities for High Park. The results will be reviewed by the council and then shared with the City.

c) Swansea Community Recreation Centre & Rennie Park:

1. Swansea Community Recreation Centre. The Advisory Council is requesting a letter of support from SARA for the proposed renovations and expansion. As the plans have changed considerably over time it was agreed that SARA needs more detailed information prior to giving support.

Accordingly, it was moved by Ed Gaigalas, seconded by Frances Labelle and carried, that Ed invite Bill Gouweleeuw to the March SARA meeting to explain Swansea Community Centre expansion plans and that it be suggested that there be an exhibit at the AGM on the plans.

2. Rennie Park: The dog leash area is under repair and is temporarily out of bounds. There were a number of complaints about the new sound system. Several improvements are being tried – reducing the volume, not using after 8:00 pm and reprogramming the scoreboard to include a soundless system.

d) Swansea Memorial Library and Friends of the Library: No news.

e) Swansea Public School: Nothing until June

f) Swansea Town Hall Board of Management: Improvements are visible, with grading to be done in spring.

g) J.T. Bonham Residences: There are two new tenant reps.

h) CORRA: See Official Plan, Item 7a in these Minutes. Bill Roberts reported that CORRA is holding a joint meeting with other ratepayers groups on March 1, 2006.


a) Windermere by the Lake:

Frances Labelle reported to the meeting on the proposal by Crestford to construct 3 point towers rather than 2 slab buildings on the site known as 6 Windermere, and reviewed the information contained in the report provided to members prior to the meeting.

Upon motion by Frances Labelle, seconded by Pat Reavy and carried, it was agreed that Frances would write to Crestford a letter indicating that SARA has serious reservations about the 3-tower plan: with regard to the amount of GFA available under the terms of the OPA and Zoning By-Law, the amount of additional GFA required to accommodate the new proposal and the effect of the podium upon heights and density, among other matters, and that there must be a broader community consensus for any such proposal to be acceptable.

b) Southport Plaza: No news

c) Fred Victor Centre and Former Joyco Station: Nick to report.

d) Context Development: Closed.

e) Dark Horse (liquor license): Nick to report.

f) Humber Cycling/Pedestrian Trail: Monitor till Spring.

h) Humber Bay Treatment Plant and i) Petro Canada Station – 8 South Kingsway:

Before closing these items, Frances Labelle was to ask Ron Braun to pass any relevant files to SARA.


a) Peggy Nash, newly elected MP for Parkdale/High Park:

Ed Gaigalas will e-mail, inviting her to attend SARA meetings in order to acquaint herself with current issues before she moves to Ottawa.

b) Bicycle Lanes (Works Committee guidelines): John Meijer will follow up.

c) Signage (re $50 fine for every sign posted on public property): to be passed on to George Dubauskas

e) Police Hotline Notice: Merle Hudson reported that a would-be car thief places a piece of paper on a car’s back windshield and hides himself, waiting for the owner to notice the paper, as he is backing out from his parking space. When the driver exits the car to retrieve the paper, the thief jumps in and drives away.

10. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, March 21, 2006

11. ADJOURNED: 9:30 PM