Minutes  of Swansea Area Ratepayers’ Association Executive Meeting – September 21, 2004


Present: Ritvars Bregzis, George Dubauskas, Ed Gaigalas, Louis Gris, Merle Hudson, Frances Labelle,  Pat Reavy, Bill Roberts, Nick Singh, Sybil Wilkinson,


Regrets: Ron Braun, Peter Keefe,  John  Meijer, Bonnie Schulman,


1.         Call to Order and Declaration of Conflicts of Interest:

The meeting began at 7:30 p.m. at the Swansea Town Hall.  There were no declared conflicts of interest.


2.                  Approval of Agenda:

The agenda was approved


3.         In Camera Session:    [Louis Gris and William Roberts did not participate in this discussion]


A discussion  was held concerning the  city’s apparent  total disregard  for its  bylaws. With regard to 337 Windermere and 47 Mayfield it appears that material filed with the Committee of Adjustment regarding surveys and setbacks is extremely inaccurate. There is no explanation why 337 Windemere gained 10 square metres.Architects and designers were not called to stand in either of above cases.  There are many omissions and inaccuracies regarding measurements when decisions are received. There was a time when  a   preliminary plan would not be accepted without a survey. We may have to write to our Councillor, the Committee of Adjustment and possibly the police expressing our concerns.


4.         Approval of Minutes:

Upon motion by Bill Roberts, seconded by Frances Labelle, the minutes of June 15, 2004 were received, amended and approved.


Upon motion by Frances Labelle, seconded by Merle Hudson, the minutes of the May 31 special meeting with Councillor Saundercook were amended, as requested by the councillor, and  adopted.


5.            Membership Report:

Louis Gris  reported  17 new memberships [11single & 6 family {$182.00}] bringing memberships to 103.


6          Fundraising Report:   $1000.00 donation was received to help defray expenses of OMB hearing re     337 Windemere Ave.  To date from  theatre fundraiser-  $160.00  Total monies received @1160.00  Moved by   Sybil Wilkinson, seconded by Ritvars Bregzis that report be approved.


7.                  Treasurer’s Report and Approval of Expenses:


The following report was submitted




AS AT SEP 21, 2004

(prepared SEP 17, 2004)




BMO Business Investment Account   

BEGINNING BALANCE                                                 695.68         Jun 08


less: cheque #98                                                               (((50.00)                              Jun 14

less: cheque #99                                                                  (57.69)                              Jun 21

less: cheque #100                                                                (45.00)                              Jun 28

plus: transfer from savings                                                1,500.00                               Aug 04

less: cheque #101                                                           (1,651.80)                              Aug 31

plus: interest                                                                            0.01                               Aug 31

plus: donations                                                                    500.00                               Sep 02

ENDING BALANCE                                                        891.20                               Sep 21




ING Business Investment Savings Account                       

BEGINNING BALANCE                                              8,067.16                               Jun 08

plus: June interest                                                                  15.65                               Jun 30

plus: July interest                                                                   15.40                               Jul 31

less: transfer to chequing                                                 (1,500.00)                              Aug 04

plus: August interest                                                              12.85                               Aug 31

ENDING BALANCE                                                     6,611.06                               Sep 21


Petty Cash                                                                              1.12



TOTAL                                                                       $ 7,503.38



Fund-raiser              2000             $1,150.00

2001                    1,122.00

2002                    1,235.00

2003                       871.00

Membership Secretary Float            $50.00


It was noted that there have been several transactions since September 17 which will reduce the total  considerably.

It was moved by Frances Labelle, seconded by George Dubauskas and adopted, that the Treasurer’s report be accepted.


Upon motion by Bill Roberts, seconded by George Dubauskas and carried, the following expenses were approved:- $21.40  for Town hall for AGM, $53.94 for paper and cartridge for printing reports, $14.00 for parking for OMB hearing.


8.                  City Communications:


Louis Gris reported that the Mayor’s office has acknowledged receipt of SARA’s report and has requested more information. Louis will respond and will phone Gerard Kennedy re OMB reform.



9.         Land Use Matters:

a)1947-1997 Bloor St. W. – Context Development:   No report


b)Windermere by the Lake- Daycare facility:–  Frances Labelle reported  that she wrote to the Mayor’s office re a  daycare not being included in the first phase as previously planned. She reviewed all the documents and expressed SARA’s concern that City Council was making decisions on incorrect information. In response to the reply Frances recommended that  the presidentof SARA send a second letter expressing our disappointment that our concerns do not appear to have been addressed, and requesting that the mayor review the matter. It was moved by Nick Singh, seconded by Merle Hudson, and approved that the president should write this letter. 



c)  Southport Plaza Redevelopment   Bill Roberts reported that construction is expected in the spring.  On hold until site plan is approved.


d)1900 Lake Shore Blvd. W. (former Meow Club site) – nothing to report.  Continue to monitor.


e) Committee of Adjustment

286 Ellis Ave    - opposed by both neighbours because variances not minor in nature. Deferred from July as applicant wanted to make changes. The changes increased the side clearance. The application was approved in spite of new letter from neighbour. One neighbour will appeal. SARA will assist if required.


In connection with the above it was noted, that in order to facilitate consultation with Bill Roberts  in support  of residents with either applications or  appeals, it would be helpful if OMB/Committee of Adjustment materials were to be forwarded to Bill upon receipt. Moved by Merle Hudson, seconded by George Dubauskas that this suggestion be adopted. Motion carried.



f) Municipal Shelters – nothing new to report


g) Gardiner Lakeshore Task Force -  nothing new to report


            h) Toronto Official Plan and Swansea Part II Plan  Bill Roberts reported that it may be approved in December.


i) Fred Victor Centre/Joyco Station - nothing new to report


j) Humber Cinema –continue to monitor


10.         Liquor Licenses:

a)           Billy Bob/The Fan – The city withdrew its objection re Billy Bobs  There is ongoing communication re The Fan

b)    Dark Horse –.continue to monitor


11        Humber River:

a)         Humber Pedestrian Trail – continue to monitor

 b)        Humber Bay Treatment Facility– continue to monitor


12      Neighbourhood Issues:

a)         Petro Canada Station – 8 South Kingsway – continue to monitor

b)         Community Council      – nothing to report

c)     Traffic calming              – continue to monitor

d)    Second Suites               – Nothing new to report.  Continue to monitor.

e)         258 Windermere            all Parking pads  were approved before our ward was transferred to  west district  A poll should be taken- not known if this happened. Right of way management indicates that permission should be obtained for whole of driveway not just where car is parked. Neighbour is concerned about infractions. 

f           )           Swansea Mews            – Sybil Wilkinson reported  that there are ongoing meetings being held                     to work   towards  new funding.

g)         337 Windemere            – 2 day OMB hearings were held – awaiting  OMB decision

h)         17 Lavinia                     Decision was in favour of applicant

1)           2525 Bloor                  No decision. Dispute was resolved to satisfaction of all.

j)          47 Mayfield                  – Decision is pending


13Community Organizations:


a)         Community Police Liaison Committee – Merle Hudson reported  that she will be unable to continue as      SARA’s representative on this committee.

b)         High Park Community Advisory Council   Next Meeting will be held on September  29.    Merle Hudson  was asked to advise the council of the community’s concern about the graffiti on the plaque and equipment in the Jamie Bell Adventure Playground

c)         Swansea Community Recreation Centre & Rennie Park – Merle Hudson reported  plans were well under way for the Octoberfest Dance on  Saturday, October 23 at the Community Centre.[time:7:00 pm to 1:00 a.m  Dinner  10:00 p.m. Cost: $15:00 All proceeds are for  the recreation Programs at the Community Centre.

d)         Swansea Historical Society – no report-  awaiting city decision re street names

e)           Swansea Memorial Library and Friends of the Swansea Memorial Library  Planning a Readers’ day in November – awaiting approval by Board of Management.

f)           Swansea Public School – no report

g)                  Swansea Town Hall Board of Management   Ed Gaigalis reported that the work on the ravine expansion is going well, and it is hoped that the front doors will be reopened in October.

h)                  Confederation of Resident & Ratepayer Associations (CORRA) – Sybil Wilkinson agreed to convey SARA’s concerns re mapping to the October 4 meeting of the Planning and Transportation Committee .

i)          )World 19  – Community Information Newsletters  have resumed.


14.         Other Business:

a)         Wheels on Bloor -  noisy fan has been fixed.

b)         Extensive drilling on Coehill /St. Olaves  reported. George Dubauskas will contact Councillor Saundercook 

c)         Visioning. At the September 23 meeting the concept of keeping  building  heights to multiples of four   

was discussed  i.e 4,8,12,16 stories

15.      New Business

A letter has been received from Tamara Bernstein indicating that changes in her scheduling have meant that she will be  unable to serve on the SARA executive. The letter was received with regret.


16.        Next Meeting/Adjournment-      The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m .The next meeting is  scheduled for Tuesday October 19, at 7:30 p.m.