S.A.R.A. executive Meeting Minutes – June 17, 2003


Present:    Ron Braun, Ritvars Bregzis, George Dubauskas, Marianne Fenner, Louis Gris, Merle Hudson, Peter Keefe, Frances Labelle, Victoria Masnyk, John Meijer, Joan Oreto, Nick Singh


Absent:     Sybil Wilkinson, Vicki Vancas, Bill Haines, Bill Roberts




Call to Order and Declaration of Conflicts of Interest:

The meeting began at 7:35 p.m. at the Swansea Town Hall

 Joan Oreto declared a conflict and left the meeting prior to the discussion of item 1. and returned following the decision on this matter.


Approval of Agenda:

                  The agenda was approved as amended upon motion by Marianne Fenner seconded by Louis Gris and unanimously carried.


Minutes:   The minutes of May 27th, 2003, were approved as amended upon motion by Ritvars Bregzis, seconded by George Dubauskas and unanimously carried.


1.         Legal Matters:

A letter had been received from State Farm Insurance, SARA/SARG’s insurers with respect to a claim arising out of an accident at the fundraiser at the Village Playhouse in Bloor West Village.  After consideration upon motion made by Marianne Fenner, seconded by Louis Gris and unanimously carried, it was agreed that Victoria Masnyk would consult with Bill Roberts to discuss what the implications were for SARA/SARG in terms of liability.


2.         Membership Report:

Louis Gris reported he had received 8 renewal memberships and a donation of $1 for a total of 81 members, plus 3 honorary members.  He turned over $91 to the Treasurer.  The membership report was approved upon motion by Joan Oreto, seconded by Merle Hudson and unanimously carried.


3.         Treasurer’s Report:

John Meijer presented the Treasurer’s Report as of June 16th, 2003:

The Treasurer reported that he would be reviewing the interest rates and investment vehicles available to maintain the accounts of SARA/SARG in order to ensure we take advantage of the best return available.  Upon motion made by John Meijer, seconded by Louis Gris and unanimously carried the Treasurer’s report was accepted.


4.         Land Use Matters:

a)      1947-1997 Bloor St. W. – Context Development:  Peter Keefe provided an update on the environmental issues relating to the site, noting that it is now clear a plume of hydrocarbons is running under some of the properties and draining into Grenadier Pond and the Lake.  The Community held a meeting in June and has formed the High Park Neighbourhood Working Group.  Information on this issue can be obtained from David MacAlpine, 416-769-4986 or by e-mail from enviro@fluuid.com.

b)      Windermere by the Lake – Frances Labelle reported that the developer has now gotten the final approvals needed to finalize the site plan for the east side of the site and it is expected construction would begin sometime soon.

c)      Southport Plaza Redevelopment – Frances Labelle reported that the OMB’s prehearing conference had taken place on June 13th, 2003.  She noted issues lists had been exchanged, that a further prehearing conference would be held on August 22nd and the formal hearing had been set for October 27th.    She also noted that RARG would be working over the summer to develop its case and to get the City on side.

d)      Meow Club – Frances Labelle reported that she had not yet set up a meeting of interested parties with respect to this proposed development, but would be doing so shortly.  She reported that in connection with this proposal Councillor Miller had requested Urban Development to report on the appropriateness of residential development in the area of the Meow Club, that the report was vague, and that the Humber York Community Council on June 10th had referred the report to SARA and the Roncesvalles/Macdonell Residents Association for their input.

e)      Committee of Adjustment – (i) 258 Windermere Ave.:  concern was expressed with the extensive renovations being done to this property and the potentially bad precedent it could set.  It was agreed that Victoria Masnyk would write to Councillor Miller to express SARA’s concern that the renovation was not in character with neighbouring properties and request that he ascertain the proper approval process had been followed prior to a building permit being issued.   (ii) 13 Larkin: Louis Gris noted that approval of the renovations to this property, which would have increased the GFA to approximately .91x the size of the lot, had been deferred by the Committee of Adjustment to allow the owners to consult with the neighbours, that they had met and no agreement had been reached. (iii) SARA is no longer on the Committee’s List of Groups getting the agenda.  Victoria Masnyk to write asking SARA be put back on the list.

f)        Municipal Shelters – nothing to report.

g)      Gardiner Lakeshore Task Force – it was reported that 3 meetings in a row had now been cancelled with no reason given.  It was agreed that Victoria Masnyk would write expressing concern with the number of cancellations and asking that there should be no further cancellations without written notice of the reasons therefor, and agreement of the Committee members.

h)      Toronto Official Plan and Swansea Part II Plan  – On the status of the Official Plan appeals there was nothing to report at this time, but RARG had been informed by the City that the appeal of that part of the Swansea Part II Plan relating to sight lines from High Park, had been dropped.




5.         Liquor Licenses:

a)      Billy Bob/The Fan – Louis Gris reported that the decision on the licensing of the rooftop patio came out last Friday in favour of the licensee.   He noted the residents were going to put pressure on Councillor Miller to have the City appeal the decision.

b)      Dark Horse – Nick Singh reported that it appears the Dark Horse is in contravention of the terms of its license by serving liquor on the part of the patio that was to have a sound proof barrier before it could be used.  He noted he had contacted Councillor Miller.  Louis Gris volunteered to write to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission advising them of this violation of the Commission’s order and asking that the license for the patio be revoked until such time as the conditions are complied with.


6.         Humber River:

a)      Boathouse – Marianne Fenner advised there was nothing to report at this point in time.  Nick Singh agreed to take over the responsibility for following up on this matter.

b)      Humber Cycling/Pedestrian Trail – Marianne Fenner reported that she would be following up to make sure the changes requested by SARA had been put in place.


7.         Humber Bay Treatment Facility:

No updates on the odor study were available.


8.         Neighbourhood Issues:

a)      Petro Canada Station – 8 South Kingsway – Ron Braun reported that he had written to Andrew Paton, Petro Canada’s solicitor, requesting that the neon be turned off when the station is closed and that the no entrance sign be improved as was previously agreed to.

b)      Petro Canada – Queensway and Southport – nothing to report on plans to renovate.

c)      Humber York Community Council – no further items to report on.

d)      Traffic calming – nothing new to report.

e)      Ripley Avenue Traffic Safety Improvements – Victoria Masnyk reported she had written to Councillor Miller.


9.         Other Organizations:

a)                  Community Police Liaison Committee – nothing to report.

b)      High Park Citizens Advisory CommitteeMerle Hudson was appointed as SARA’s representative on this committee and Victoria Masnyk undertook to write to the committee advising it of Merle’s appointment.

c)      Swansea Historical Society – George Dubauskas reported that the Preservation Board would be meeting this Thursday and that the moving of the Joy Oil Station was on the agenda.  Ron Braun agreed to attend the meeting on behalf of SARA and to make known SARA’s view that since the station was not to remain in situ and used as a gas station it should be moved to a location where it was accessible to the public and could be used for public purposes. 

d)      Swansea Memorial Library and Friends of the Swansea Memorial Library – George Dubauskas informed the meeting that when the Runnymede Library closes for renovations the Swansea library will not be getting the additional hours, or the additional collections it anticipated.  He noted instead that the Toronto Library Board planned to provide a minimal extension in hours to Swansea and to use the Annette Library instead.  It was agreed that SARA would write to the Toronto Library Board

requesting that it reconsider it’s decision to give the Annette Library priority over the Swansea Memorial Library to serve the Bloor West community during the period the Runnymede Library is closed for renovation.



e)      Swansea Public School – Marianne Fenner noted that Sara has received its invitations to the awards ceremony scheduled for Tuesday, June 24th at 1:00 p.m.

f)        Swansea Town Hall Board of Management – Louis Gris and George Dubauskas noted that the downsized plans for the Town Hall expansion are still too costly and further review is underway.

g)      Swansea Community Recreation Centre & Rennie Park – Merle Hudson reported on the recent garage sale which raised $1,527, the problems with the Rennie Park field drainage and unauthorized usage, the work being done to set up a web site for the Recreation Centre, new summer programs and concerns with the high fees being charged by the Toronto District School Board. Merle also noted that there will be an Octoberfest Dance held on Saturday October 25th.

h)      World 19 – nothing to report.

i)        Confederation of Resident & Ratepayer Associations (CORRA) – nothing to report.


10.       Other Business:

a)      Secretary’s PositionMarianne Fenner was appointed as Secretary upon motion by Frances Labelle, seconded by Merle Hudson and unanimously carried.

b)      Mayoralty Election Debate – it was agreed that the debate would encompass not only the mayoralty candidates but councillor and trustee candidates as well.  Ron Braun was appointed as the timekeeper for the debate, Peter Chant is to be asked to act as moderator and a committee consisting of Ron Braun, Marianne Fenner, Merle Hudson, Frances Labelle, and Victoria Masnyk was struck to deal with publicity.  Vicki Vancas was to be asked if she would also sit on this committee.

c)      Social – some discussion was given to having a social at the end of the summer and it was agreed upon motion by Joan Oreto, seconded by George Dubauskas and unanimously carried that an amount of $100 be allocated towards costs.


11.       Next Meeting:


The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 16th at 7:30 p.m.


The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.



Letters to be Written:


1.         Victoria – re 258 Windermere Ave. – to Councillor Miller expressing SARA’s concern that the renovation was not in character with neighbouring properties and requesting that he ascertain the proper approval process was followed prior to a building permit being issued


2.         Victoria – re Gardiner Lakeshore Task Force – expressing concern with the number of meeting cancellations and asking that there should be no further cancellations without written notice of the reasons therefore and agreement of committee members


3.         Louis – re Dark Horse – to Alcohol and Gaming Commission – advising of violation of decision of Commission and requesting revocation of patio license until such time as conditions of decision are complied with


4.         Victoria – to advise High Park Advisory Committee of appointment of Merle Hudson as Sara’s rep.


5.         Letter to Toronto Library Board requesting it reconsider decision to give Annette Library priority over the Swansea Memorial Library to serve the Bloor West community during the period the Runnymede Library is closed for renovation.


6.         Victoria to write to Committee of Adjustment asking to have SARA put back on the list of Community Groups receiving the Agenda



Matters Needing Attention:


1.         Companies Act Information update


2.         Letter from State Farm Insurance



Items to be discussed at next meeting:


Future Meetings:


1.         Development of procedure for following up on Committee of Adjustment matters.


2.         Fred Victor Centre – set up date for future presentation with member of Fred Victor Mission present – Frances Labelle will follow-up with Peter Zimmerman in September to set up a date when there is something concrete to discuss – will bring up at September Exec. Meeting.





Items to be removed: Runnymede Hospital